All Clear works with your organization to create or revise written plans to detail your actions during an emergency. Effective plans convey not only the goals and objectives of the intended operation, but also the actions needed to achieve them. We believe both in customized, practical plans that are actually usable in an emergency and in the benefits of a comprehensive planning process.
Our Planning Services
Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP)/ Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
COOP and BCP are important in maintaining the daily functions and mission of an organization. These plans account for your essential functions and services and provide alternate facilities, necessary equipment, and personnel as needed to ensure that your organization’s operations can continue with minimal disruption.
Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)
A DRP focuses mostly on IT systems and the recovery of those systems. This could include defining priorities for recovery, timeframes for recovery, downtime procedures, and strategies to restore IT equipment, applications, and data. Usually, DRPs are developed in conjunction with a COOP/BCP.
Emergency Operations Planning (EOP)
EOPs not only include how to respond to an emergency but also how to manage the emergency, to coordinate organizational responses, engage with emergency responders, and recover from an emergency. The EOP outlines response procedures, initiating and terminating responses, recovery strategies, and alternate sites for your services if necessary.
Hazard Mitigation Plans (HMP)
The most effective way to reduce loss of life and property caused by emergencies is to have a comprehensive, long-term Hazard Mitigation Plan. As part of this process, state, tribal, and local partners identify risks and vulnerabilities associated with natural disasters and develop long-term strategies for protecting the community from hazards. With a FEMA-approved HMP, local governments can qualify for grant funding to support preparedness efforts.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) / Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
An SOP/ERP is a written document that lists the instructions, step-by-step, on how to handle a specific emergency that arises. The thought process behind a standard operating procedure is that consistent results will occur as long as everyone follows the steps. An SOP/ERP may include tasks for the entire organization or separate SOPs/ERPs may exist for each department. For example, a fire response plan is an SOP/ERP as it outlines specific procedures during a fire alarm, but that SOP/ERP may differ between departments. SOPs/ERPs can often be appendices in an EOP.
How Our Planning Process Is Different
In our planning process, All Clear uses an “All Hazards” approach – a two-step approach that begins with a risk assessment and creates a framework for response to a variety of events. Even though “All Hazards” sounds like creating a plan for every event, it actually is not. There is no way organizations can plan for everything that might happen. “All Hazards” means that we work with you to identify certain functions that may be needed in most responses and write plans to make sure those functions happen. For example, communication is a function that needs to happen during all events so developing a comprehensive communication plan is part of an “All Hazards” plan. All Clear’s planning experts can guide you through the “All Hazards” planning process.
No matter the size of your organization, All Clear can facilitate your Planning process.
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Hazard Mitigation Project
During the capability assessment phase of an All Hazards Mitigation Plan for a rural county, the team discovered that many facilities and individual residences in the county did not have access to Weather Alert radios. When the Hazard Mitigation Plan was approved, the county was able to apply for grant funds to purchase and distribute 250 Weather Alert Radios to day care facilities, nursing homes, and other vulnerable households.