
Governmental agencies must be ready to respond and act quickly to ensure public safety.  State, regional, and local governments need a coordinated response to protect the public, address urgent needs, and restore essential services as fast as possible. Rapid and efficient coordination and teamwork among various agencies to best provide resources and manpower to affected areas is key.

All Clear works with Emergency Management, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Fire, Law Enforcement, and Public Health agencies at all levels to assess your hazards, develop plans, and provide training for critical responders. We have experience building public-private relationships and engaging private sector resources.


How All Clear Can Help

No matter the size of your jurisdiction, All Clear helps with emergency management needs.

Business Continuity Plans (BCP) and Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP)
Ensure your essential services continue with comprehensive continuity plans. Work with All Clear to develop your plans.

Conference Management
Does your jurisdiction host a conference?  All Clear helps with the design and management of your conference on any topic.

Emergency Operations Plans (EOP)
Detailed plans for how your jurisdiction will respond are necessary.  The team at All Clear helps design and develop new plans or review and update your current plans.

Emergency Response Exercises
Exercises are a true test of your jurisdiction’s plans and the effectiveness of your system for command and control.  All Clear’s Master Exercise Practitioners (MEP) design the perfect exercise for you.

Emergency Response training for Senior Leaders and Elected Officials
The role of your Senior Leaders and Elected Officials in a response is crucial to its success.  Let All Clear develop a customized training program for your jurisdiction.

Grant Applications
Grants are an important source of funding for many agencies.  The experienced team at All Clear help successfully complete your applications and support your funded programs.

Hazard Mitigation Plans
Comprehensive hazard mitigation plans are key to a program that can lessen the impact of disasters on a jurisdiction.  All Clear has experts in Hazard Mitigation Planning that assist you with your plans.

Incident Command System (ICS) Training
Trained staff that know how to fill essential roles in the ICS structure is vital to a coordinated response.  The certified trainers at All Clear provide ICS training for your agency.

An emergency can affect your whole community. All Clear can help you mitigate the impact and plan your response.
Command and control are vital to a coordinated response. All Clear can help with Incident Command System training.